Marcus Cauchi

July 22, 2010

How To Win New Business Without Sounding Salesy

Here sales improvement specialist Marcus Cauchi uncovers techniques that anyone selling their products and services can use to quickly bond and build rapport with prospects so that they are more open to a sales conversation.

•    Why prospects hate salespeople
•    Why being different works
•    How to differentiate your business through the way you sell

It’s Monday morning at Shiny Widget Co and the sales team are hitting the phones.

Salesman: “Hello Mr Jones we sell shiny widgets. We are in your area on Monday at 4pm and on Wed. When can I come in a show you what I’ve got? I‘m sure we can save you money or make your life easier.”

Bob Jones: “Erm, what’s this about?”

Salesman: “Let me tell you,”

15 minutes later yarn.

Bob Jones: “Can you send me something?”

Salesman: “Sure, our online brochure is on its way.”

Next day and the salesman is following up on what he thought were hot buying signals.

Dring dring.

Bob Jones’ voicemail: “This is Bob Jones’ voice mail, please leave me a message and I will get straight back to you.”

What it is really saying: “This is Bob Jones’ voice mail jail, please leave your message after the tone and I promise I won’t get back to you. Your PDF went straight into trash and if by accident I pick up the phone I promise to give you a stream of excuses and if I’m really weak, I’ll ask you to send it again.”

Who hasn’t had that special someone keep you from your busy day, waste your valuable time, read like a robot from their script and rush towards the close promising you savings or a happier, more efficient life?

So who wants to be one of them? The clown in a suit with the bone crusher handshake, wearing his comedy tie who thinks that by telling you all his reasons for you to buy from him that his unwelcome interruption will cut through the noise of your real life; the 139 decisions you’ve still got to make that morning, your child being bullied at school and you being behind on your numbers by 47% for the quarter.

If you want to sell more, stop selling. Salespeople suffer from a disease called PPS, Premature Presentation Syndrome, where they have to tell the prospect about themselves, their company, their solutions, differences, competitiveness, return on invest, etc. In 99% of cases they do this without ever having heard the prospect specifically ask them to do so.

You sell to go to the bank. To go to the bank you have to gather information not give it. The moment you give information you’ve wet your powder and the buyer no longer needs you. You become a tick in the box and they know just which shelf to get you off. An educated prospect is no prospect at all.  Let me repeat that because it’s important, an educated prospect is no prospect at all.

The moment you start discussing your features and benefits without having the context of the personal reasons they have explicited stated that are motivating them to buy what you have now, you run the risk of dragging them into a pricing conversation. If you are selling on price, you are taking orders.

A client of mine told me that their frustration with being sold to is that they feel like it is all about the seller. They are running their agenda only, which is to reach the close and to get them to buy something. The seller rattles through their questions like it’s a checklist and their answers don’t really matter because the seller is only looking for the answers that fits their script. So my client protects themselves by giving wishy washy answers, being non-committal and non-specific.

When my client buys they want to believe and feel that the seller has their agenda, their best interests and their welfare in mind. They want the seller to take them through a process that helps them to discover their reasons for buying, the causes of their problems and to feel that they are leading them through to the hope that their problems can be fixed.

For that certainty my client would be happy to pay a premium. For the elimination of doubt that this is the right decision; for the belief that the other person’s interests can only be served by serving their interests; for leadership and a safe pair of hands, they’ll pay a premium and if they are willing to pay a premium they will take you to the bank.

Whatever business you think you are in, first and foremost you are in the going to the bank business.

Happy Selling!

July 5, 2010

What Opportunity To Improve Are You Wasting

Filed under: Cold calling,Discounting,Sales,Sales techniques — Marcus Cauchi @ 12:54 pm
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No matter how much the world of business may change, one factor will never change: Your most valuable sources of information are your customers. They will tell you what you’re doing right, what you’re doing wrong, and what you need to change immediately to remain competitive. Customer advisory groups may be the best consultants you’ll retain. There are some guidelines you can follow to get the most out of the group.

If customers believe they’re only doing you a favour, getting them to join will be a difficult sell. Make sure potential members understand that membership provides an opportunity to improve their business as they help you redesign yours.

Select advisory group members who are perceptive, vocal and motivated to participate. “Figurehead” members selected for their fame or position, but who won’t attend group meetings or give follow-up a high priority, will be of little value. It’s up to you to demonstrate to members that you need their advice to serve them better. Unless there’s a crisis, schedule no more than two meetings per year. Gathering more often will be seen as a chore and an unreasonable imposition.

Membership in your customer advisory group should be an honour and a privilege. You want members to feel good about service. Treat them to the best transportation, parking, refreshments, meals and meeting space. Have the CEO give them their charge and put in an appearance now and then at meetings. Write up their recommendations in prestigious company publications, and thank them publicly.

The ideas that you get from your customer advisory group will enable you to advance the fortunes of your business. Implement the ideas that will work, and tell participants why you might choose not to implement others. If you ignore their suggestions or drag your feet in applying them, you may never again have customers who are willing to serve on the advisory group.

(c) Sandler Systems Inc, 2006

Happy selling!


May 20, 2010

Top 5 Reasons Your Cold Calling Doesn’t Work & What To Do About It

Some people say cold calling is dead. I disagree. It can and should be part of many people’s mix of business development activity. And it is a skill that can be learned. I will agree however, that there is never a queue to cold call.

1. Lack of the Right Type of Preparation: Certainly you can prepare by researching your prospect, but do you prepare yourself mentally, physically, emotionally? Do you treat every call as if it’s your first? Do you stand up when you call? Do you recognise how your physiology, posture, breathing etc affect your call and how you sound? Do you prepare yourself and actively go for the “no”?

2. Sounding Like Every Other Person Selling Something: Are you just another salesperson on the phone? Do you sound like you’re selling something? Do you break the pattern so they can’t get you off the phone in the first 10 seconds by making them curious, by engaging them in your call?

3. Defending When Under Attack: When you’re under attack do you defend or fall back? Who handles their objections – you or the prospect?

4. Begging for a Meeting: Do you get invitied in or do you have to beg for a meeting? Do you use obvious deception and clumsy tactics? Do you qualify “easy” just to get in front of someone or do you qualify “hard” to make good use of your time in the field? Do you think “I’ve got a hot one” or do your alarm bells ring when you hear “Why don’t you come in and show me what you’ve got? We’re always interested in learning what’s new in our market.”

5. No Upfront Contract: What do you do in the first 30 seconds of a cold call by phone to get your prospect to commit to give you a decision at the end of your call? Do you steal your prospects time or do you tell them why you’re calling, how long the call will take, give them the power to say “no” and agree that if there is a fit you will either talk further or agree some next steps to advance your dialogue? Do you agree what your role will be and what their role will be?

There are hundreds more mistakes. You may even have thoughts on these you want to share. Now, post your thoughts. I’d welcome your comments and personal experience.

May 4, 2010

W.A.I.T. and See

I came across a very useful little acronym.



It works on 2 levels. Whether you’re infront of a prospect, a network contact or with family and friends, Stephen Covey’s 5th habit of highly effective people is “Seek first to understand then to be understood”. You’ve probably heard the cliche “You have 2 ears and one mouth, use them in that order”. Well if you ask yourself “why am I talking?”, you realise that either you may be talking drivvel or not listening to what your counterpart is actually saying.

The other level it works on is that it helps you to find the time to actually consider what has been said by your prospect, and use that understanding to formulate your next question.

It is a fatal flaw in many salespeople that they spend the time that should be listening, half listening and trying to work out what they’re going to ask or answer next.

WAIT and you have time (at least 3-5 seconds) to demonstrate you’re taking in what was said by the other party and to formulate a better question.

Does this make sense? Think about that for a moment.

Playing the WAITing game also allows you to draw out so much more information from prospects by using listening noises, body language etc than you might otherwise gain.


So many of us in sales can’t wait to prove our worth, demonstrate our credibility by getting up and presenting. This is a big mistake and will cost you tens of thousands in personal income, year on year. And when you establish the cost in terms of lifetime customer value lost, modifying this one behaviour, the costs can run into the millions. What are you doing to make sure you or your people are WAITing for your prospects to tell you how to sell to them? How do you make sure you’re gathering the intelligence you need BEFORE you spill your candy and make your presentation.

PRESENTING IS NOT SELLLING. Don’t you gain more credibility from the questions you ask NOT the information you give?

April 23, 2010

Why cold calling is tough for normal people

You’re 3 years old; your mother is warning you not to talk to strangers. You see the expression of worry on her face; you sense that she is saying this for a reason. It’s not like “Stop picking your nose Richard!”. This time there’s a pleading, worried, emphatic tone in her voice. “Don’t talk to strangers; they can take you away and hurt you, and mummy will be so worried if that happens. Please be careful darling.” Remember that conversation.

Now this is awesome advice in the context of the world of a 3 year old ….. but not so good if you’re 40, self-employed and trying to pay a mortgage, school fees, car payments, credit card debt, service the loan you took out to set up your business, perhaps pay monthly royalties or interest payments … oh, and put food on the table.

Got young kids? Does your mother-in-law live miles away? So it doesn’t matter what the kids look like then?

Philip Larkin – This Be The Verse

They f*** you up, your mum and dad.
They may not mean to, but they do.
They fill you with the faults they had
And add some extra, just for you.

But they were f***ed up in their turn
By fools in old-style hats and coats,
Who half the time were soppy-stern
And half at one another’s throats.

Man hands on misery to man.
It deepens like a coastal shelf.
Get out as early as you can,
And don’t have any kids yourself

OK, another mental script on permanent loop in our brains many of us run is …….

“Don’t interrupt” sometimes with the additional “I’m busy”. You came in from school and your father was reading the paper, balancing the cheque book (my personal phobia because he was so miserable and grumpy all the time when he was doing this and for several hours afterwards) or watching the news for the umpteenth time that day. Or your mother was busily involved doing something for you to prepare you for the following day at school and you wanted their attention. Instead they sent you away with a fly in your ear because what they were doing felt more important to them than what you wanted to talk to them about.

Now this one is a biggie. Are you ready for it? Think about this …… when was the battle of Hastings? Which year?

Did anyone not get 1066?

Ok, why do we nearly always answer questions? Gatekeepers’ questions, prospects’ questions …. we always seem to be answering them, don’t we.

RULE: ‘The Gatekeeper is not your mother’

This means you don’t have to answer the gatekeepers’ questions but we do. Why? Imagine you’re about 5 or 6.

Mum: “Tom, where have you been?”
You: “Nowhere”
Mum: “Don’t lie to me Thomas, where have you been?”
You: “Nowhere!”
Mum: “Thomas, for the last time answer my question. Where have you been?”
You: “Hrrrrrmmmppph! Just outside playing on my bike”
Mum: “Didn’t I tell you to come in and finish your homework half an hour ago?”
You: (sighing) Yes!
Mum: “Then why haven’t you done it? Get upstairs now and finish it. Then come downstairs, wash your hands and tell me why I shouldn’t tell your father!”
You: “Oh OK. Please don’t tell daddy.”
Mum: “Well run up stairs and do as you’re told. Be a good boy!” (as she shakes her head)

This scenario played out countless times in different contexts time and again in many of our childhoods. Or was it just me?

Our high need for approval is a killer. One client of mine, a lovely guy. He’s bright – an IQ well above mine – articulate, historically very competent worked for a global engineering brand had a punishing father. Not physically punishing as far as I’m aware, but nothing “Frank” (name changed to protect the innocent) did was every quite good enough. A “b” grade should have been an “a”, coming 2nd wasn’t good enough despite the fact he’d tried so hard and worked his way up from 5th or 6th last time ….. and he carries this baggage with him to this day. He spends his time seeking approval of strangers because he can’t get it from his dad. And his mother tells her friends “Frank used to work for Rolls Royce … but now he sells some consulting thing!” Apparently she actually does this. “Frank” has doubled his income in 3 years going self employed but because of his need for approval he holds himself back.

Put these scripts and the many others “It’s rude to talk about money”, “he’s busy, he must be important”, “children should be seen and not heard”, “be nice”, “CHEER UP!” and so many others have messed us up. They don’t mean to mess us up but they do …….

Larkin’s right. (You always knew it was your mother’s fault!!) they do f*** us up. Unintentional, well meaning scripting embedded from childhood holds us back. And in cold calling and selling, all these fears, phobias, prejudices, paranoia come flooding together to paralyse us. They hobble our legs, our tongue goes dry, we get butterflies in the pit of our stomach and we go to pick up the phone to make our cold calls, but then you hear that you have mail on your PC …. and you just have to check you emails. that pan is in the wrong place on your desk, the dog wants water, the cats want feeding, then the bell rings and it’s the postman …. actually I’m thirsty, let’s get a cuppa, now where was I oh yes this email, how shall I respond ……. oh look its 10:30, … got to go out for my next meeting. I’ll get back to making those cold calls tomorrow when I have more time ….. but tomorrow you find more excuses, more ways to avoid making them, more ways of “notworking”.

Some sales trainers tell you that you can avoid making cold calls by becoming good at networking and asking for referrals. And you can. 98% of my business comes from referrals. BUT IT’S TAKEN 3 YEARS TO GET HERE!!

Could I have reached that point faster? Possibly. I could have been to more than 5 networking events a week for 2 years. I could have done more than ten 121’s a week for 2 years. I could have not missed my daughter’s nativity play because I was in a networking meeting and too embarrassed to leave early during the speakers talk because of my need for approval by my peers (largely total strangers) and let down my pride and joy, my eldest daughter as she’d probably forget (actually she didn’t and still reminds me two years on!!). I could have asked for more referrals from my friends and allies.

But it takes time and it takes effort to build up that momentum. Cold calling is simply the fastest and most efficient way of building a sales pipeline to get you in front of potential buyer but most people don’t know how to do it well and fear making those calls. They fear rejection. They fear disapproval. This isn’t like asking for a dirty magazine or for men putting condoms in your trolley and looking for the male checkout worker because you’re embarrassed enough for it not to be a woman. Your dirty little secret that you avoid talking about with your mother is that you’ve become one of those people who make cold calls … or doesn’t as the case may be. If you don’t make them, then mum can’t be disappointed in you for becoming one of those nasty salespeople.

According to the DTI survey I read a couple of years ago, in 2005 43% of all new business was generated via an initial phone call. 47% via word of mouth referral, leaving all the other media 10%!!

If you’re not cold calling at all or effectively, you’re potentially leaving behind 43% of your business. Suppose it was only half that. If you grew your customer base by only 20% what would that do for your business? Your cashflow? Your lifestyle?

I teach people mental strategies to eliminate their fears and create effective behaviours, to rewrite their mental and negative emotional scripting around selling, account management and cold calling. I teach managers how to get their teams to perform better and motivate then for the behaviours that will make them successful. But the starting point always has to be the seller’s mind. That’s where the sale is won or lost. That’s where the meeting is booked. That’s where the customer establishes confidence in you as a seller. It’s not during your superb presentation. It’s not during your close.

Victory happens between your ears long before your customer ever meets you or hears your voice on the phone.

Cold calling should and can be fun. I do it but I still don’t love it. But I don’t need to. I just have to do it.

A couple of pointers to help you on your way ……

1. Mentally prepare for making calls
2. Remember the gatekeeper isn’t your mother. You don’t have to answer her questions
3. The call you make to that prospect could be the most important one s/he receives that day, week, month, and year or perhaps in their life (I genuinely believe that if I don’t get through then I’m doing them a DISSERVICE because I know I can help almost anyone who has to sell, manage, motivate or recruit salespeople.
4. Notice your mental scripts that hold you back. Whose voice is it? What’s their tonality? How do you feel?
5. Notice how you feel about making cold calls?
6. Identify your call avoidance strategies and behaviours? What triggers them? How do you act on those triggers?

Seek help. Get a cold calling buddy. Call together for support …. regularly. Become accountable to someone for your prospecting behaviour. Call each other’s prospects so you’re not emotionally attached to the outcome or the product and book meetings for each other. Obviously I’m going to say get some training (I would!!) but make sure it’s not the same old claptrap about elevator pitches and having a strong opening benefit statement – you’ll just sound like a salesperson. When you hear a cold caller on the line, what’s your reaction? Total joy? Excitement? Or you want to get him or her of the line as fast as you can? “Send me some information?” “The timing is bad call me back later” (knowing full well you won’t take the call or be there when they do call back).

Learn strategies that take the pressure off you and your prospect. Learn how to break the buyer’s pattern of behaviour and forces them to give non-stock answers and rebuttals. Find ways to get invited in, so you don’t have to ask for the appointment …. so you go as a guest not a supplier (think about that, what’s the dynamic of a guest-host relationship (who serves who?))

In conclusion, get your head on straight. Realise that much of your behaviour is driven by subconscious processes developed in your early childhood by well meaning significant others – parents, grandparents, teachers, relatives. Mark Twain said something along the lines of “The inability to forget is far more devastating than the inability to remember”. Being unable to forget the feeling of rejection, the fear of making the first call, the feeling you were doing something dirty or unsavoury, the fear of interrupting or talking to strangers may be limiting you from growing your business and providing for your family or your future.

Make a decision to be master of your own destiny. And give yourself permission to do the necessary behaviours you need to do consistently, well, over time without the need for seeking the approval of others. Life and business are tough enough as they are without having to satisfy your need for approval of an ageing or even dead parent for whom our best was never good enough. And rewrite your mental scripting so they serve you not hold you back.

Happy cold calling!

(c) Marcus Cauchi & Sandler Systems Inc 2007

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